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Get a Price Quote to Register a Belize Company/LLP/LLC/Trust/Foundation/NGO or Business Name
First name and Last name
What kind of corporate structure(s) are you interested in?
Corporation (company structure with shareholders and directors)
Limited Liability Company (hybrid partnership and corporation with members and manager(s))
Limited Liability Partnership (a structure owned by partners with personal but limited liability to partnership)
Trust/Foundation (a structure created to hold assets for the benefit of third party beneficiaries)
Business Name (a 'trading as' entity, which is an extension of the owner(s))
Non-Governmental Organization (a corporation with socially-focused activities to support specific causes)
Nationalities and number of intended shareholder(s)/member(s):
Nationalities and number of intended managers/directors:
Are any of the intended shareholders/members/directors not individuals, i.e. are they corporations or entities?
Choose an option
Do you need a registered address in Belize, or do you have a Belize address for the entity? (a registered address is where all accounting and corporate records are kept and available for regulatory inspections)
Choose an option
Where will the entity be generating its revenue/income?
Choose an option
Will the corporate structure operate as a Non-Profit Organiztation?
Briefly describe (intended) nature of entity's activities:
What is the intended share capital value (or general value) of the entity at the time of incorporation/registration?
Choose an option
If you have any other details about the intended corporate structure, please place it here:
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